In this activity, you will "chain up the numbers." Starter file # Initial variable to track game play # While we are still playing... # Ask ...
In this activity, you will create an RPS game that takes user input from the command line and plays against the computer. Starter file # Incorporate ...
In this activity, you will create a validation function for checking the strength of a password. The focus of this activity is the logic behind the checker. ...
These challenges are meant to strengthen your all-around coding skills and thinking. Unlike past challenges, these do not focus on a single topic and are ...
This activity will combine everything we've covered today, along with some tools from yesterday. You will build a basic arithmetic calculator that takes in ...
Put your trainer caps on, because we're going to be reading Pokemon data––all 807 Pokemon, to be exact! In this activity, you will import a CSV file, read its ...
In this activity, you'll get more practice with functions. By including a return value, functions can build upon each other. Those return values can be used ...
In this activity, you will get more practice with functions. Functions are a great way to wrap chunks of code so you can use them later. Functions take in an ...
In this activity, you will explore a number of use cases for using loops to gain more experience with iterating through string sequences and ranges of ...
In this activity, you will get more practice with lists and loops. Starter file # Declare an empty list named `our_list`. # Use the `append` list ...