Using Functions with Arguments in Python

In this activity, you will get more practice with functions. Functions are a great way to wrap chunks of code so you can use them later. Functions take in an argument and work on that argument. If you return a value, you can use that value when you call the function. Remember, after you define a function, you have to call the function in order to actually execute its contents.

Starter file

# Define a function `having_fun` that prints "Functions are FUN!".

# Define a function `thirty_seven` that prints the sum of 18 and 19.

# Call the two functions you've defined so far.

# Define a function `hello` that takes in a string parameter and prints the parameter variable.

# Call your `hello` function.

# Define a function `user_input` that asks the user "What is your name?" and stores it in a variable called `user_name` and print the user's name.

# Call your `user_input` function.

# Define a function `good_day` that creates an input dialogue asking the user "Are you having a nice day?" and prints the response.

# Call your `good_day` function.

# Define a function `average` that calculates the average between two parameters and returns the average.

# Call the `average` function and assign it to a variable `calculated_average`.


Open the starter file and perform the following:

  1. Define a function having_fun that prints “Functions are FUN!”
  2. Define a function thirty_seven that prints the sum of 18 and 19.
  3. Call the two functions you’ve defined so far.
  4. Define a function hello that takes in a string parameter and prints the parameter variable.
  5. Call your hello function.
  6. Define a function user_input that asks the user “What is your name?”, stores it in a variable called user_name, and prints the user’s name.
  7. Call your user_input function.
  8. Define a function good_day that creates an input dialogue asking the user “Are you having a nice day?” and prints the response.
  9. Call your good_day function.
  10. Define a function average that calculates the average between two parameters and returns the average.
  11. Call the average function and assign it to a variable calculated_average. Then print calculated_average.


# Define a function `having_fun` that prints "Functions are FUN!".
def having_fun():
    print("Functions are FUN!")

# Define a function `thirty_seven` that prints the sum of 18 and 19.
def thirty_seven():
    sum = 18 + 19

# Call the two functions you've defined so far.

# Define a function `hello` that takes in a string parameter and prints the parameter variable.
def hello(string_param):

# Call your `hello` function.
hello("Hello World!")

# Define a function `user_input` that asks the user "What is your name?" and stores it in a variable called `user_name` and print the user's name.
def user_input():
    user_name = input("What is your name? ")

# Call your `user_input` function.

# Define a function `good_day` that creates an input dialogue asking the user "Are you having a nice day?" and prints the response.
def good_day():
    response = input("Are you having a nice day? ")

# Call your `good_day` function.

# Define a function `average` that calculates the average between two parameters and returns the average.
def average(num_1, num_2):
    avg_calc = num_1 + num_2 / 2
    return avg_calc

# Call the `average` function and assign it to a variable `calculated_average`.
calculated_average = average(90, 10)
print(f"Calculated Average: {calculated_average}")

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